Test diagrams

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Quelques exemples de diagrammes avec l'extension Mermaid :

Mermaid, flowchart

{{#mermaid:flowchart TD A[Start] --> B{Is it?} B -->|Yes| C[OK] C --> D[Rethink] D --> B B ---->|No| E[End] }}

Mermaid, classDiagram


   Animal <|-- Duck
   Animal <|-- Fish
   Animal <|-- Zebra
   Animal : +int age
   Animal : +String gender
   Animal: +isMammal()
   Animal: +mate()
   class Duck{
       +String beakColor
   class Fish{
       -int sizeInFeet
   class Zebra{
       +bool is_wild


Mermaid, sequenceDiagram, 1

{{#mermaid:sequenceDiagram participant Alice participant Bob

 Alice->John: Hello John, how are you?
 loop Healthcheck
      John->John: Fight against hypochondria
 Note right of John: Rational thoughts 
prevail... John-->Alice: Great! John->Bob: How about you? Bob-->John: Jolly good!


Mermaid 4


   par Alice to Bob
       Alice->>Bob: Hello guys!
   and Alice to John
       Alice->>John: Hello guys!
   Bob-->>Alice: Hi Alice!
   John-->>Alice: Hi Alice!